shamanic healing & transformation

experience the infinite love of the cosmos— with a form and a face divinely revealed to reflect back your personal power and support you in picking it up. be the medicine— craft and catalyze your capacity to harvest challenge for gifts, find sweetness in stress, choose center in chaos and show up in loving service in every moment. energy = relationship — learn to reweave belonging by reclaiming the presence, perspective and direct working relationship with spirit that are each human’s birthright, honoring your always already inalienable connection to people and planet, nature and cosmos.


sessions are available live in person (in kansas city), online (via zoom) or recorded

please consider your payment a sacrifice which honors the web of relationships which enable this work <3

spirit circle: shamanic divination

$225 / 90 min

transformational coaching session

$150 / 60 min

serve: 3-week integration process

$395 / 3 x 60 min

hero: 6-week transformational journey

$750 / 6 x 60 min

not sure where to start? let’s talk about it!

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what is shamanic healing?

shamanic healing operates on the principle that everyone has loving, compassionate spirits available to assist them in living their soul’s purpose. with the right tools and practices anyone can learn to engage these spirits as sources of blessing, healing, protection and support, but in the absence of those skills i can engage your helping spirits on your behalf to connect you with the love, power, perspective and support they bring to you as part of your human birthright.

sessions may begin with a brief ceremonial opening and guided visualization to step into an energetic container together and call forward helping spirits to support our work. during the session, i’ll engage via drum journey (also called ‘shamanic journeying’), an altered state in which i will ‘enter the spirit world’ to connect with your helping spirits on your behalf. some folks love to ask a lot of specific questions during the session, take notes, etc, while others would rather me guide the questioning and are more interested in the experience itself.

the primary goal of the session will be to perform one or more of these functions:

  • divination: receive information or perspective on an issue or question and/or next necessary steps you must take to resolve it

  • diagnosis: diagnose the spiritual or energetic root of a particular issue to receive a remedy you can apply, or referral to another modality or practitioner who can better resolve it

  • power retrieval: reignite your relationship with a helping spirit energy that is needed which may have become lost or blocked (such as a power animal or ancestral helping spirit)

  • ancestral healing / psychopomp: tracking an issue to resolution at its ancestral roots, crossing over any unresolved spirits and removing their active influence

after the session we’ll follow-up with an integration plan so you have what you need to work with everything that came through in a way that actually makes sense for your life, all with the goal of better supporting you in the cultivation of your soul and unique gifts in this lifetime.

note: in the case of some issues we may encounter i will make a diagnosis and then refer you to a trusted, initiated healer within my network, and bring whatever other skills i can offer to bear to support you in that integration process.

divinations are meant to be an experience we co-create, so you’ll be encouraged to ask questions, give feedback, listen to your body and advocate for your boundaries and limits while we work. 

transformational coaching & integration sessions

follow-up sessions will focus on supporting the full and complete integration of the initial healing session. whether you need to learn new practices, experience facilitated somatic work to transform any blocks arising as you put your new relationships and healing into action in your life, strategize new systems and structures necessary to support your process or just talk / scream / dance it out, i’ll stand in the fire of transformation with you, offering my years of experience integrating shamanic healing and peak spiritual experiences through practice and helping you find clear, consistent, accessible actions to take to move through each stage of your process.

who is this for?

anyone, really! no particular belief system or experience is necessary to benefit, only your willingness to engage this work with trust and healthy discernment, but you may find shamanic healing particularly helpful if:

  • you’ve tried other modalities and are still struggling for resolution around an issue

  • you have a lot of issues up that seem more complex than you can disentangle yourself

  • you feel that the issue at hand is rooted in spirit

  • you’ve received some form of spiritual healing that was left vague or undefined by the practitioner and are struggling to work with or integrate it

  • you feel a robust relationship to spirit but lack clarity in terms of personal helping spirit relationships, boundaries, safety protocols or practices

  • you have training in a spiritual lineage but lack grounding or consistency in the basic foundations of your daily practice

why SERVE?

because you were dreamed here to be of service — to the growth of your soul, the health of your ecosystem and the sharing of your gifts in a way that honors the ancestors and meets the needs of the descendants and enriches the cosmos coming to know itself. you know, just that!

SERVE is an experiential introduction to learning to respect your dreaming body’s organic healing process, its own momentums and internal logics. it’s far from the end, but it’s a really great start, to water the seed planted during the healing in hopes of it bearing more bountiful fruit for your life.

so what do you get?

  • 3 x integration sessions

  • office-hour access to me via email & text for 3-5 weeks

why HERO?

because you already are one and you deserve to know and embody that at every step of this process, even and especially while untangling the challenges that inevitably arise from restructuring your life to support your new state of health, growth, understanding or awareness. healing is hard! i would never have gotten to where i am without the incredible network of human supporters guiding me in my process, so i’m here to empower you in unpacking which pot holes, road blocks and diversions are actually divine gifts, transforming any blocks, stabilizing what you need by upgrading your practice and learning to release the crap that just wants to derail you from becoming a truer, realer, more vulnerable and authentic version of yourself.

HERO is a container, an alchemical shift, like placing your life on the altar of the helping spirits, asking the false to be revealed and released in order to strengthen the core state of health and coherence that flows from true service to the vision of your life and the purpose you’re here to manifest. it’s a portal, a chapter, a seismic shift with committed support. it’s learning to plant, nurture and respectfully harvest healing with sound principles you’ll carry for the rest of your life.

so what do you get?

  • 6 x integration sessions

  • office-hour access to me via email & text for 6-8 weeks




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